• Arbor Essence: photo WINTER WILLOW (Author: Ossiane)WINTER WILLOWcity of Ice
    under midnight sun
    my naked hours
  • Arbor Essence: photo PATH (Author: Ossiane)PATHblack and white change
    bridge between two worlds
    right bank left bank
  • Arbor Essence: photo CROSSING (Author: Ossiane)CROSSINGblack and white change
    bridge between two worlds
    right bank left bank
  • Arbor Essence: photo ANOTHER TIME (Author: Ossiane)ANOTHER TIMEI'll cross the shadows
    I'll slide under the arabesque
    I'll follow the curve of my heart
  • Arbor Essence: photo DANCE (Author: Ossiane)DANCEbody of goddess
    arabesques of her arms
    heaven entwined
  • Arbor Essence: photo EVANESCENCE (Author: Ossiane)EVANESCENCEred maple
    reflections of memory
    dead leaves
  • Arbor Essence: photo FRESHNESS (Author: Ossiane)FRESHNESSdim light
    the white veil of silence
    scents of humus
  • Arbor Essence: photo HALF-LIGHT (Author: Ossiane)HALF-LIGHTend of day
    melancholic willow
    visitor of dark
  • Arbor Essence: photo SPRING (Author: Ossiane)SPRINGundulating waves
    light and vaporous
  • Arbor Essence: photo SCENTS (Author: Ossiane)SCENTScool shade
    shivering branches
    volutes of acanthus
  • Arbor Essence: photo SERPENTINE (Author: Ossiane)SERPENTINElistening
    voluble garden
  • Arbor Essence: photo AIR (Author: Ossiane)AIRfrom artery to vessel
    breathing at the top of my lungs
  • Arbor Essence: photo AFTER RAIN (Author: Ossiane)AFTER RAINwater garden
    waterfall of tears
    mauve and white
  • Arbor Essence: photo HEAT (Author: Ossiane)HEATsoft shade
    stained glass light
  • Arbor Essence: photo THIS TIME (Author: Ossiane)THIS TIMEon the other side
    in the heart of arabesques
  • Arbor Essence: photo THE FIRST TIME (Author: Ossiane)THE FIRST TIMEway of life
    dancers with arms outstretched
    arch of impulse
  • Arbor Essence: photo MUSIC (Author: Ossiane)MUSICcrystal strings
    vibratory mist
    wind harp
  • Arbor Essence: photo LOVE (Author: Ossiane)LOVEfire chestnut trees
    forest of the triangle
  • Arbor Essence: photo LAST TIME (Author: Ossiane)LAST TIMEwater lily pond
    sweet exuberance
    soon will no longer be
  • Arbor Essence: photo SOMETIMES (Author: Ossiane)SOMETIMESpen trees
    soft echoes from the bank
    time still
  • Arbor Essence: photo GARDEN (Author: Ossiane)GARDENtime curling up
    mind wandering
    slack hours
  • Arbor Essence: photo FALL (Author: Ossiane)FALLhot tears
    I lost my sun
    blood red carpet
  • Arbor Essence: photo STAINED GLASS (Author: Ossiane)STAINED GLASStangle of roots
    twigs of light
    scaling the sky
  • Arbor Essence: photo STRENGTH (Author: Ossiane)STRENGTHyour arms of giant
    your column of clouds
    your song of freedom
  • Arbor Essence: photo EVOLUTION (Author: Ossiane)EVOLUTIONdream of altitude
    grow in strength and peace
    someday you will see
  • Arbor Essence: photo FLIGHT (Author: Ossiane)FLIGHTabove treetops
    beyond branches
    upper land
  • Arbor Essence: photo JOY (Author: Ossiane)JOYfountain of happy days
    at the top of your temple
    crying your happiness
  • Arbor Essence: photo REVIVAL (Author: Ossiane)REVIVALend of winter
    a bouquet of white flowers
    smile of spring
  • Arbor Essence: photo PANACHE (Author: Ossiane)PANACHEheadwind
    present capricious
    raise your head
  • Arbor Essence: photo CELEBRATION (Author: Ossiane)CELEBRATIONmoonlight night
    wave of light
    dance of life
  • Arbor Essence: photo EXISTENTIAL (Author: Ossiane)EXISTENTIALfreestyle
    space and light
    who are we
  • Arbor Essence: photo CURTAIN (Author: Ossiane)CURTAINfeet in water
    let the light come in
    in the shadow of oblivion
  • Arbor Essence: photo RAPPROCHEMENT (Author: Ossiane)RAPPROCHEMENTlast frost
    trees shivering
  • Arbor Essence: photo AWAKENING (Author: Ossiane)AWAKENINGlast frost
    trees shivering
  • Arbor Essence: photo BREEZE (Author: Ossiane)BREEZElast frost
    trees shivering
  • Arbor Essence: photo REVIVAL (Author: Ossiane)REVIVALlast frost
    trees shivering
  • Arbor Essence: photo ASPIRATION (Author: Ossiane)ASPIRATIONlast frost
    trees shivering
  • Arbor Essence: photo BREATHING (Author: Ossiane)BREATHINGlast frost
    trees shivering

(c) Ossiane - All rights reserved
Photos on this website are copyrighted.
Contact the author before any use or distribution.
Music: Hicham Chahidi

Ossiane is also on Art Limited
Ossiane is also on Facebook: Black & White page and Color page