• Shade of the Bamboos: photo FILTER (Author: Ossiane)FILTERflexible and light
    one morning in brightness
    between your eyelashes
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo FOREST (Author: Ossiane)FORESTimpenetrable
    secret and mysterious
    opening the way for me
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo SCREEN (Author: Ossiane)SCREENcurtain lowered
    shadowy light interlacing
    inner dreams
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo BALM (Author: Ossiane)BALMunder the magnolia
    a scent of humus hanging in the air
    a bamboo blind
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo ESSENCE (Author: Ossiane)ESSENCEunder the magnolia
    a scent of humus hanging in the air
    a bamboo blind
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo VAULT (Author: Ossiane)VAULTcanopy of giants
    the huge bamboo path
    golden plumes
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo INTERVAL (Author: Ossiane)INTERVALbrush strokes
    signs of breathing
    floating commas
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo SACRED (Author: Ossiane)SACREDgreen lung
    inner cathedral
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo UNISON (Author: Ossiane)UNISONline of force
    light inclination
  • Shade of the Bamboos: photo DOWN (Author: Ossiane)DOWNicy morning
    frothy feathers
    calamus huddled

(c) Ossiane - All rights reserved
Photos on this website are copyrighted.
Contact the author before any use or distribution.
Music: Hicham Chahidi

Ossiane is also on Art Limited
Ossiane is also on Facebook: Black & White page and Color page