<   JOURNEYS   >

  • Journeys: photo EMANATION (Author: Ossiane)EMANATIONsome plumes of mist
    his feet dangling in space
    dream vapor
  • Journeys: photo DESIRE (Author: Ossiane)DESIREscared to death
    hesitation waltz
    dream of infinite
  • Journeys: photo FLYING (Author: Ossiane)FLYINGscared to death
    hesitation waltz
    dream of infinite
  • Journeys: photo FREE (Author: Ossiane)FREEscared to death
    hesitation waltz
    dream of infinite
  • Journeys: photo OUTER SPACE (Author: Ossiane)OUTER SPACEblow suspended
    from earth to moon
    space trip
  • Journeys: photo DOUBLE I (Author: Ossiane)DOUBLE Iside by side
    boulevard of confidence
  • Journeys: photo LAST HOUR (Author: Ossiane)LAST HOURnight visitors
    fugitive silhouettes
    passage of shadows
  • Journeys: photo UNEXPECTED (Author: Ossiane)UNEXPECTEDresonances
    traces and memory
    bird of heart
  • Journeys: photo LADY IN BLACK (Author: Ossiane)LADY IN BLACKsnowy wind
    against all odds
  • Journeys: photo SEVEN (Author: Ossiane)SEVENcandlesticks off
    the great white silence
    inner life
  • Journeys: photo TEN (Author: Ossiane)TENfreezing hands
    december rendezvous
    deca dance
  • Journeys: photo PATH (Author: Ossiane)PATHbouquet of butterflies
    path of the moor
    sweet fragance
  • Journeys: photo DESTINATION (Author: Ossiane)DESTINATIONbelly down
    so long so far
    strength lines
  • Journeys: photo AIM (Author: Ossiane)AIMsparkling
    the path of possible
  • Journeys: photo EXPLORATION (Author: Ossiane)EXPLORATIONstraight line
    look for your way
  • Journeys: photo ATTAINABLE (Author: Ossiane)ATTAINABLEsteep winding
    indecipherable way
  • Journeys: photo BEING IN THE WORLD (Author: Ossiane)BEING IN THE WORLDstanding
    facing the world beyond us
  • Journeys: photo PERCEIVE (Author: Ossiane)PERCEIVEblack Mountain
    you are listening to the secrets of the wind
  • Journeys: photo RECEIVE (Author: Ossiane)RECEIVEblack Mountain
    you are listening to the secrets of the wind

(c) Ossiane - All rights reserved
Photos on this website are copyrighted.
Contact the author before any use or distribution.
Music: Hicham Chahidi

Ossiane is also on Art Limited
Ossiane is also on Facebook: Black & White page and Color page