<   LOTUS   >

  • Lotus: photo CLOUDS (Author: Ossiane)CLOUDSborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo UMBELS (Author: Ossiane)UMBELSborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo SACRED LOTUS (Author: Ossiane)SACRED LOTUSborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo LIGHTNESS (Author: Ossiane)LIGHTNESSborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo ABOVE (Author: Ossiane)ABOVEborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo PURITY (Author: Ossiane)PURITYborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo SHADE (Author: Ossiane)SHADEborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo FLOATING GARDEN (Author: Ossiane)FLOATING GARDENborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo LIANAS (Author: Ossiane)LIANASborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo UNIVERSE (Author: Ossiane)UNIVERSEborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo ELEVATION (Author: Ossiane)ELEVATIONborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream
  • Lotus: photo CONVERSATION (Author: Ossiane)CONVERSATIONborn in the mud
    blooming in the sun
    awakening in a dream

(c) Ossiane - All rights reserved
Photos on this website are copyrighted.
Contact the author before any use or distribution.
Music: Hicham Chahidi

Ossiane is also on Art Limited
Ossiane is also on Facebook: Black & White page and Color page